If you send a lot of bulk mail, you were undoubtedly celebrating with us last week when the U.S. Postal Service announced they were going to remove the 4.3% exigent rate increase that’s been in effect since January 2014. This is the first across-the-board decrease in U.S. postal rates since 1919! By why stop there![...]
Postage Rates Rollback on April 10, 2016 We’re happy to share news from the USPS. They recently announced that rates will rollback to the Consumer Price Index-capped levels on Sunday, April 10th. This will remove the 4.3% exigent rate which was a surcharge added to compensate for the losses the USPS experienced during the recession. We’re busy creating our[...]
As you’re browsing the Internet, you can easily get the impression that the bulk of nonprofit fundraising occurs online. Here are some recent high-ranking articles: How the Internet is changing the way non-profits raise money #GivingTuesday 2015 online donations up 52% compared to 2014 Facebook launches new fundraising tool for non-profits How to use crowd-funding[...]
Will we really see postal rate reductions? All signs point to mailers seeing a decrease in postal rates sometime in April 2016 as the exigent surcharge is set to expire. If the surcharge ends as approved by regulatory process, it would mean a reduction of overall postage rates by 4.3 percent. The exigent rate increase,[...]
Successful direct mail fundraising campaigns continue to be crucial to the ability of most non-profits to fulfill their missions. According to the 2016 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report, one-third of non-profits plan to send at least four direct mail fundraising solicitations this year, another third plan to send at least two appeals, and only 13% of[...]
One of the features our customers find most useful is the free mail tracking MailSmart Logistics provides on all commingled mail. With a lot of the East Coast having just endured a record-breaking snowstorm, it might be helpful to review how mail tracking works in a storm. Most importantly, no matter how severe a storm[...]
It’s so easy to complain about the U.S. Postal Service. I’ve found myself doing so lately when a package was left on my sidewalk rather than the porch and when I was told it would take two days for my “overnight delivery” package to arrive. But the reason it’s so easy to complain is this[...]
Does your company spend a lot of money on USPS Certificates of Mailing or Certified Mail to protect yourself just in case you need to prove you mailed a specific piece of mail? If you have to be able to prove that the recipient actually received your mail piece, you may have no alternative. However,[...]
One of our favorite things, in addition to the work we do, is spending a little more time with our loved ones. Our offices will close at noon on Friday, December 18th for our Employee Holiday Luncheon. We will also be closed on December 24th and 25th and January 1st. We hope you enjoy your holiday[...]
Mail delivery through the U.S. Postal Service is remarkably complex – in fact, most pieces of standard mail are sorted and reprocessed through six different Network Distribution Centers (NDCs), Sectional Center Facilities (SCFs) and local post offices before they finally arrive at their destination. Each of these stops add to transit time and the USPS’s[...]