On the last possible day to do so, the USPS has submitted a 2015 postage rate increase request to The Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). Any increases granted would go into effect on April 26 of this year. Here’s a summary of the proposed rate changes and the impact, if approved by the PRC, for both[...]
You’ve got the NCOA routine for your database down pat. And while it may have taken a bit of getting used to, performing the NCOA on a regular basis has increased your response and retention. The next change from the USPS is to reduce the Move Update tolerance from 30% to 0.8% – leaving almost[...]
This is a question we’ve been getting a lot lately as clients are planning for 2015. The answer is a complicated one. The USPS generally seeks a price increase in January; however a recent announcement indicates that a rate increase request will not happen at that time. But, the USPS is waiting until early 2015[...]
Your customers and donors are constantly on the move. Whether they move cross-country or locally, updating your database is just a part of your regular routine. (It is, right?) In addition to wanting to maintain your relationship with donors and customers or cleaning your file so as not to mail to those no longer in[...]
2014 postage rates take effect on January 26. They include the customary CPI increase as well as an exigent rate increase. The combination of the two results in a 6% increase to most mail categories. Here’s a chart with the 2014 Postage Rates for Standard and Nonprofit Mail. Feel free to print it out, hang[...]
Postage rate increases in late January will now total a whopping 6% On December 24, the Postal Regulatory Commission announced that it is granting the Postal Service its first-ever “exigent” rate hike, allowing postage rates to rise another 4.3% on top of the inflation adjustment of 1.7% already approved. This overall 6% increase will go[...]
As you know, the USPS can increase its rates annually as long as they do not exceed the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is 1.696%. But in September, they made an emergency request for an increase totaling a whopping 5.9%! The good news so far is that in late November, the PRC approved rate increases[...]
The USPS has filed a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), seeking a 5.9% increase for First Class, Periodicals, Standard Mail (which includes nonprofit) and Bound Printed Matter. This rate greatly exceeds the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI). An above inflation increase must be approved and measured against financial hardship deemed as “extraordinary” or[...]
The Boulder, Colorado area has experienced widespread flooding. As a result, there are many road closures, inaccessible mail boxes and temporarily relocated post offices. The USPS continues to make every attempt to deliver mail, however mail going to these areas may be delayed. MailSmart Logistics continues to monitor the situation. If you have any questions[...]
Mike DeFlavia, DMAW President in the cash booth. We had such a great time at the 2013 Bridge Conference. Lots of scratching went on (of the cards!), high-fiving, prize winning and donating to lots of charities. As you probably know, we had a very popular Cash Booth at the PMG family exhibit and the prizes were flying! Here’s[...]