Whenever you are preparing to do a good-size mailing, you should consider the pros and cons of sending it standard mail. Commonly referred to as bulk mail, standard mail can save for-profit companies about 40% off first class postage rates and nonprofits can save even more. To realize these significant savings, companies have to follow[...]
The U.S. Postal Service serves a critically-important role in the American economy, responsible for the delivery of over 500 million letters and packages every day. It is a crucial time in the organization’s history, with ongoing debates as to how to best meet the needs of the American people while dramatically cutting costs. Should Saturday[...]
Consumers often wish they could know for sure whether a letter has been delivered and, if so, when. Unfortunately, unless they pay quite a bit more for Priority Mail or Certified Mail, there’s no way for most individuals to track their mail. Businesses, however, have more options. If your business has mailing software capable of[...]
I’m just beginning to wrap my mind around the fact that all sorts of personal devices communicate through wireless connections, including baby monitors, security systems, wearable fitness apps, and cameras inside my refrigerator. This so-called “Internet of Things” seems both cool and, since the data they generate could be accessible to others, a bit risky. [...]
Do you mail first class mail? Well, we have good news to share! You can have your first-class mail pieces commingled and delivered at the best possible rates just like your standard mail. Yep, all those invoices, statements, renewals, and other critical, first-class communications can enjoy similar savings as your marketing and fundraising mail with first-class[...]
The holidays are quickly approaching and will have an impact on pickup dates for commingled mail. Check out the change in commingle mail pickup dates for the holiday season so you can coordinate your campaign’s printing and processing. Please don’t hesitate to reach out your MailSmart Logistics representative with any questions, concerns or assistance. [...]
While most direct mailers recognize the importance of getting multiple printing bids for a mailing, they may not put the same emphasis on getting bids from a variety of mail shops. Yet it is possible to save just as much money by selecting the perfect mail shop for a job as it is by finding[...]
In certain geographic areas, the USPS has been sending an email to interested customers every morning containing pictures of the mail they’ll receive that day. In testing since 2014, Informed Delivery is now available in parts of Northern Virginia, Connecticut and New York City. I must admit that my first reaction to this concept was[...]
Proposed 2017 changes for the next structural update announced by the USPS seem to be pointing to some reduced fees for mailers. There are numerous proposed revisions to mailing regulations that impact first class, standard class, parcels and permit administration. There are three (3) USPS proposed changes that we’re keeping an eye on for our[...]
We fully expect there to be an increase in postage rates in 2017 as the USPS has already announced a CPI (Consumer Price Index) increase on January 22, 2017. At the minimum, we suggest adding 1% to allow for the CPI increase which has been hovering a little under 1%. In early 2016, as you[...]