2017 postal changesProposed 2017 changes for the next structural update announced by the USPS seem to be pointing to some reduced fees for mailers. There are numerous proposed revisions to mailing regulations that impact first class, standard class, parcels and permit administration.

There are three (3) USPS proposed changes that we’re keeping an eye on for our clients.

  1.  End of the Qualified Basic Reply Mail (QBRM) Fees

The USPS is attempting to eliminate the annual permit fee for Qualified Basic Reply Mail. Nonprofit and commercial mailers alike will benefit if this revision is approved.

  1. Eliminate permit imprint and application fees

This proposed change will reduce annual expenses for PME, PM, FCPS, Parcel Select, PSLW, Library Mail, Media Mail and BPM.

  1. Name change for Standard Mail

What used to be Bulk Mail and is now Standard Mail may soon be called USPS Marketing Mail.

All of these would go into effect in January 2017 but need to be approved by the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC).