Use Free Direct Mail Tracking

Has this ever happened to you? Your customer calls with a serious concern – they’re not seeing the returns they expected from their latest mailing so they’re wondering if there was a problem with how it was mailed. You do your best to assure your customer that everything was handled perfectly on your end, but she doesn’t sound convinced. As you hang up the phone, you worry that some unrelated issue might be putting your long-term relationship with this customer at risk.

Now imagine how much better your conversation would go if you were able to pull up a mail tracking report during your call and assure your customer that as of that moment, 93% of the mailing had been scanned at the postal facility nearest to its final destination and that the delivery was following a typical bell-shaped curve:

Mail tracking

If there were questions about a specific delivery area, you could drill down into the data by state or by SCF:

Direct mail tracking by SCF

In fact, you could even determine whether a specific envelope had been delivered!

Direct Mail Tracking for each piece of mail

This comprehensive hard data would help you and your customer identify whether there were any deliverability issues that needed to be addressed. And if there aren’t, eliminating deliverability as an issue would help your customer better determine the real cause of the low response rate.

It’s doubtful you’ll feel the need to dig into the mail tracking data for most mailings. However, MailSmart Logistics can provide direct mail tracking on every piece we commingle or drop ship for you so that the data is available if a problem arises. And best of all, this service is provided at no cost to you!

MailSmart Logistics provides worry-free shipping at remarkably-low postal rates –

You’re going to love working with MailSmart Logistics!