Earlier we notified you of the significant postal increases we anticipate this summer.

In addition to the postal rate increases, we wanted to make you aware of recent information shared by the Alliance of Nonprofit Mailers as it relates to Marketing Mail Flats.

The new PRC rules require that the rate for Marketing Mail Flats (non-compensatory postal product) MUST increase by at least 2 percentage points over the average for all Marketing Mail. The reason for the rule is to provide the US Postal Service the option to raise Marketing Mail Letter rates by less. By increasing the rates on flats by at least 2 percent they can keep rates on Marketing Mail Letters lower.

What’s the bottom line?

The new PRC rule means that Marketing Mail Flats could increase 22.2% or more in the next 18 months.

What can you do about rate increases on flats?

We suggest you begin testing to convert your flat packages to a #14 or similar-sized format – almost as large and yet still able to qualify for lower automated rates. You’ll need to rethink your package contents for sizes, folding, and even what to include but a #14 or similar-sized format offers a strong impact in the mailbox plus the ability to include larger printed pieces (some may need to be folded), while still enjoying letter rates.

We’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out.