Return Mail Tracking Puts You In Control

Return Mail Tracking You work hard to get your creative just right, your lists selections to resonate and identify with the copy you so painstakingly wrote and the printing and mailshop details to coordinate so that it all comes to life.

Your package drops and then…you wait…not sure of what’s really happening until you receive a report from your caging company.

Of course, the reason for all that effort is for the response. You drop your campaign and then eagerly await the return of those  reply envelopes. Wouldn’t it be great to know, in real-time, how many responses you’ve received?

If you knew what the response was to your mailing you could make so many plans. Imagine if you could…

  • Know when responses to your most recent direct mail campaign are at the post office awaiting pick-up from your caging company…
  • Keep track of your volume, real-time, instead of waiting for reports that arrive 30,60 or even 90 days after you begin receiving responses…
  • Alert your caging company, order processors or donation processors on the exact day they should staff-up to meet a surge in response…
  • Know that your package is performing (or not) and quickly launch that follow-up mailing or online giving campaign…

Tracking your return mail (near real-time) is now a reality.

MailSmart Logistics is proud to announce our Return Mail Tracking Service. You’ve come to rely on our mail tracking for your outbound mail, and now you can depend on us to help track your return mail. Our Return Mail Tracking is free for our clients and helps you prepare for the processing of your direct mail campaigns, launch supporting campaigns and make other important decisions much more quickly.

We use the USPS IMb to place codes on your reply envelopes (differentiating by campaign if you like) so that we can track and report their receipt at the postal facility.

Let MailSmart Logistics put the power of our postal logistics tools and processes to work for your organization. Please contact us or call us at 443.539.2640 for more details on our newest postal logistics tool, Return Mail Tracking.